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"How Much Would YOU Pay a Hoodrat?"

And How Much Does a Hoodrat expect to get paid?

First, Let me start by saying I have the utmost respect for Taraji P. Henson.  I love just about every movie I’ve seen her in and believe she is definitely worthy of more respect in Hollywood and definitely more pay - However, not everyone holds that same POV.

Hence, the question, and the elephant in the room, 

“How much would You pay a hoodrat?

Hear me out…this seems to be a POV that many unfortunately have of our girl - Taraji.

Recently, scrolling social media - Facebook in particular, I came across a comment of Ro Élori Cutno responding to Taraji’s woes of being underpaid in Hollywood, to which this poster responded and I quote “Taraji is "classless" and she doesn’t know how to speak in public. The poster insinuates that she only plays roles that she’s most familiar with, because she’s "classless”.

Do you agree with Ro?

My edges were singed, I clutched my pearls and leaned in closer to see what else this fb poster was saying.  They went further to intimate that Taraji was primarily “typecast” because she is classless and doesn't speak well and "Who" is going to pay a Tariji what a Jennifer Aniston was making in tinseltown?  

Well, the truth of the matter is - Black actresses have been long underpaid and under-recognized in Hollywood and in every media form - apparently, even by those that would seemingly be offering a leg up (Oprah).

Well…from what the grapevine says, apparently, the drinks are flying and the table just got toppled when Taraji told it ALL about her experiences working on the Color Purple. So I hear “Vivica S. Foxx" is trying to center herself and win a few extra points by aligning herself with Ms. Winfrey - stepback Ms. Foxx, we don’t need your two-cents worth, but it was an interesting perspective. The talkers are talking, I guess Taraji is being accused of being a Diva when what she asked for what seemed reasonable to us - but who are “we" in the grand scheme of what a well-known actress is worthy of?  

Seems like a driver, to and from the set, isn’t a big ask, but I digress…

So Chime in - Don’t leave me out here by myself tryin’ to defend Taraji!  She’s proven she has depth - do you remember her in Hidden Figures?  Hair wet, trembling from the rain - …”Well, because sir, there are no colored bathrooms in this building”. Remember that infamous line in the movie??

What's your favorite movie featuring Taraji? Perhaps you’re a fan of Taraji as a mean girl, she is soo convincing. ...Side eye to Cookie Lyon.

But the question remains - How Much Would YOU Pay a Hoodrat?  By the way, how do you define a hoodrat? According to the Urban dictionary - a credible source for sure, “A young promiscuous woman from an impoverished urban area”. Does that sound right to you??  Maybe your bestie is a hoodrat and you haven’t even noticed, but if she's a hoodrat, what does that make you? Oops, ya’ll let’s stay on task - Taraji, among Hollywood’s finest, is certainly worth recognition, respect and higher pay.

In this fight, I'm Team Taraji! She's worth every dollar and more. Remember, she has a star on the Hollywood walk of Fame - that, in and of itself, should be the ticket to higher pay and respect.

I mean, what are hard-working actresses supposed to do to achieve the pay they deserve without resorting to the “couch”?  This is a question to be answered as many more stand up to say, “Pay me what I’m worth”!

Tell me - “How much do you think Taraji is worth”? Let me hear from you, on our social media pages.

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