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"How the F*^K is Vanilla Ice worth $12 Mill?!?

The Icy truth about his growing empire.

If you're looking to make millions - Use the Vanilla Ice method

Be MEMORABLE - Logo, Content, Style or Branding - "Strength of Brand"

Easily recognized iconic lyrics - the smooth as ice persona, the “one-hit wonder”, Rob Van Winkle, aka Vanilla Ice has managed to rake in ICE to the tune of $12 million dollars.

How in the HELL is this possible? With the number of One-hit wonders out there -

What set him apart?

Find a NICHE - Stand-out, Get Noticed! Do something different. - "Take Risks"

A white rapper in a predominately Black world of Rap and R&B? Where are the Bestie Boys,

the “wiggers" and even Eminem today? Okay, well, not Eminem - we saw him not too long ago on the Super Bowl show - So, I guess that counts. "Oh Hey Marshall"!

Even MC Hammer, with his numerous hits, a cohort of Vanilla Ice, is doubtfully NOT worth

anywhere near $12,000,000. By the way, "Where is MC Hammer"? and Who stole his money?

Nosey Folks need to know - How did Van Winkle come out on top?

"Be Proactive" Learn from others mistakes - Keep what's yours

Everyone, by now, is familiar with the infamous battle between Queen and the estate of David Bowie over the sample of "Under Pressure" used in “Ice-Ice Baby”. If memory serves - this case was settled out of court with VanWinkle again, coming out on top. Van Winkle now owes the rights to "Under Pressure". Make your money WORK FOR YOU! When you're Proactive, you lose less money.

Use Your Network of Resources - Strategic Partnerships. Be informed about your industry. Keep your circle of Mentors, Investors & Associates, on speed dial - Good advice saves money

Wisdom and cooler-heads certainly prevailed in this case; Did “Ice” call on his panel of mentors in

the industry, did he raise funds or did he amass his wealth via Go Fund Me? Yeah, right…

Vanilla ice with a blue hat.  MTV awards

Strike when the iron is hot! Ride that wave of popularity. Use the "Present" to get as far as you can -

The success that Vanilla Ice achieved was significant, not only for white rappers - but for any

rapper. From having one of the fastest-selling hip-hop albums of all time; Ice-Ice Baby was the first hip-hop song to make #1 on the Billboard Top 100. That's pretty good for essentially a "One-Hit Wonder"

Reinvention and wise decisions led to stack upon stack for Van Winkle aka ‘Vanilla Ice”.

Re-invent yourself to keep the flow of money going! Have a calculated reinvention strategy

After and during his music career - Vanilla Ice was on the acting circuit appearing in cameos of

many films, such as TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), even a film where he starred in the title role, loosely based on his life... what was that picture called?? Okay, I looked it up, "Cool As Ice" (how creative) He once appeared on "Dancing with the Stars" and on early reality television - Season two of The Surreal Life, omg! that makes me laugh - where he became the most hated man in America for giving the Different Strokes star, Gary Coleman such a hard time. RIP Gary.

Brand Endorsements - Use what you have to stay in the game. Be everywhere at once. Hitch yourself to other 'stars' Get & Keep your name out there!

When the celebrity's star started to dim - He reinvented himself as an iteration of "Bob, the Builder",

"Rob, the Flipper". He became his own 'hype man' and marketed himself as a contractor with a sparkling past with the last remaining embers of his Vanilla Ice starlight.

Stay True to the Game - Be the Best You -YOU can Be!

The rest is history, wouldn't you say? He's taken that Vanilla Ice name and ran it into the ground by starring in the Vanilla Ice Project and later, Ice My House. Viewers say the shows were not just entertaining, but informative. In 2021, he demonstrated his renovation prowness by reno-ing celebrity restaurateur and television host Guy Fieri’s patio kitchen.

Vanilla Ice at a promotional event

Today I hear, Van Winkle is still riding the wave of fame. He's now linked his infamous name to a brand of household lighting called "Vanilla Ice" lights. Go figure - Ride it till the wheels fall off!

Rob was recently interviewed on VLAD TV. Take a view of Rob's Car Collection - Pretty impressive!

All said, This is how the "Hell" Vanilla Ice made his millions - Remember...

  • Strength of Brand - The name Vanilla Ice STILL attracts attention and fans.

  • Strategic Partnerships - Van Winkle made friends with and linked himself to those in the industry for longevity. MC Hammer, Guy Fieri

  • Wise Investments - Real Estate investing always pays off, Always invest in "YOU"

  • Get in Where you fit in - Take your celebrity (your popularity) & brand everywhere.

  • Brand Endorsements - Partner with others that need what you bring to the table.

  • Take Risks! - Who knew the artist formerly known as Vanilla Ice could swing a jack hammer?

  • Stay True to the Game - Do what you do best! Rap, Slay, Cook

  • Self-Care - When Van Winkle could have gone done in flames through addiction, he took the time to get straight to maintain his ability to grow his wealth.

Hit me up on our Social Media - What are you thoughts about this article on Vanilla Ice? Check out the Damn Ducks articles on building and maintaining wealth.

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