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Are We Really Supporting this Crazy B*#ch?!?!

Matricide (or maternal homicide) is the act of killing one's own mother.

When cutting your Mother's throat is the obvious answer -

Our society has gone BAD, I mean REALLY Bad, Rotten to the core! When we celebrate the release of a murderer - Gypsy Rose Blanchard! She planned (premeditated), orchestrated (Mastermind) and carried out (pulled the trigger) on her mother's murder and used Nicholas Godejohn as a tool to get it done.

Gypsi Rose smiling during jail house interview

What we can acknowledge here - Gypsy Rose was abused. This is undeniable. The things she experienced at the hand of her Mother aren't excusable on any level, for any reason -


Is this what we're on now? I completely understand and agree that her mother was crazy, manipulative and abusive but when is it placed into our hands to take a life?

A fact to consider in this case of public opinion - Gypsy Rose at the time of her mother's murder was of legal age. That means she could have conceviably left under her own power, especially given she had contact with someone that could helped her escape. Couldn't she have just left? Why did she continue to remain in the home? We are so fond of asking women with abusive partners, "why they didn't just leave"? Has ANYONE asked her this question?

Yes! I've heard all the stories of the cruel and unusual treatment Gypsy Rose endured and I excuse none of it! Not one single act - the lies, the pulled teeth, and certainly not the G-tube. It's all heinous and unforgivable.

But is murder how we solve problems now?

Actually, the burning question is, What is our collective fascination with murderers? Ted Bundy raped and murdered more than 30 women and girls across the US - but that didn't faze the admirers who sent him marriage proposals and photos of their naked bodies. This serial killer had his share of groupies who showed up at his trial dressed like his victims, bombarded him with fan mail and gathered outside a Florida prison the day he died in the electric chair. Even Gypsy Rose Blanchard, while in prison, essentially received a low-key marriage proposal from her current husband while serving her sentence for murder. What attracted him to her? He says it was because he wanted to encourage her, but is that really the case? Is he just a groupie? An obsessed fan?

We are shamelessly hooked and addicted to those like Gypsy Rose Blanchard, because we consider them our heros! They do what we wish we could do and get away with it! Come on, let's tell the truth! By the way, why is it so easy in the United States to gain fifteen minutes of fame?

What's in our dark history that leads to this type perverted type of hero worship,

Gyspy Rose Blanchard is definitely working every moment of her supposed fame to our chagrin.

But Gypsy Rose tho?...Really? I guess I don't understand what the hype is or the Big Why of celebrating her for getting rid of her problem, by murder. Just to set the record straight, There are many that have experienced hardships, adversity, abuse of every type and mistreatment by the hands of a parent or significant other - the majority of them are living quiet lives trying to forget, but Gypsy Rose is out here being celebrated, having the time of her life. Seriously? She's lacking and faking remorse and she's entirely interested more in fame.... And you clowns are giving it to her.

I just don't get it. By the way, there were others that killed their parents after suffering unmentionable abuse, like the Menendez Brothers and, by the way - they are STILL in jail. Where's their celebrity treatment? Even her cohort, Nicholas Godejohn, is serving a life sentence, but we just threw Gypsy Rose Blanchard a big Welcome Home party!

Watch these videos below of recent interviews with Gypsy Rose Blanchard and hit me up on our Socials!

Let me know what you think!

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